Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tentative Schedule today

It's 12 and I'm done with waking up, writing mails, brushing teeth, showering, eating heavy brunch etc. An unexpected, unanticipated class has turned up for today at 6p. So, here's the plan for now :

12.15 - 4.15 Vocab and Grammar
4.15 - 5.45 Music class
5.45 - 6.00 Travel time
6.00 - 8.00 Teach Class
8.00 - 10.00 Solve VA questions


So, here's what I finally did today:
Went for a class, followed by the bank, then home, and ate something and started reading King Lear's critical analysis (lovely play, useless analysis!!!)

Went for the music class at 5, and the 2nd lecture(last moment notice) at 6. Class cancelled, so came back to music academy.

Went wit bro and mom for his tuition(idiots can't do without it, but they _do_ deserve their chance and I love my baby bro :) )

Came back Home, finally found some good reference material for GK/GD/PI/GS reference. Then idled for some time around and now heading back to my study table. Have to work upon a bit of vocab.

No class tomorrow, but day after, I have one, late in night :)

I love teaching, but I love other things as well. will also try to study Quant and DI/LR/GK etc a bit too :)

©2010 anu (Exploring Myself)