Sunday, June 7, 2009

Racing thoughts

I had thought I wouldn't boot the system now till today evening, but don't feel like. I had lots of thoughts racing in my mind since last half an hour.....and more than that since yesterday evening. May be its the aura of my room and my home. I need to do something about this, and change the energy vibrations from negative and lusty to positive and loving.

Lusty thoughts have been hunting me since yesterday, and I am unable to resist myself from thinking about them. All, I do, is when I have those thoughts and I have to give in, as soon as I realize where am I drifting, I beg for strength from God, and till now its helping, I hope it keeps on helping.


Keep me calm in joys and sorrows,
keep me calm in happiness and misery,
keep me serenely surrendered to You,
strength, righteousness, will and courage.

Keep me willing for a moral strength Lord,
for the character,
for the divine love,
and make me ready to receive Your mercy, Love and Blessings.


©anu (Exploring Myself)