Indian culture, perhaps is one of the oldest, richest, and the most diverse cultures of the world. However, what is important to realise is that it is both alive and dead at the same time. Dead, in the sense, it holds to certain unnecessary values, and ethics like a miser, and alive, very much in the sense, that though slow, it does absorb changes.
I am not a Historian, but would try to share with You my perception of the changes it underwent, in the following aspects of life:1. Historically2. Philosophically3. Morally4. Socially5. Sexually6.Any other that I may think of.....
Historically : Unlike major western cultures, Indian culture has seen a long span of centuries, and has undergone major changes, at different times in its History. For eg. whilst there was an era when the kamasutra was written, there was as well, an era when all sexuality was prohibited. Reasons: Historical: attacks by Mongols, Huns, etc. Philosophical: Overemphasis on restraining one's desire. Development of Religious sects like Jainism, and Buddhism, Socio - Psychological: over - possessiveness about the women folk, which was initially born out of respect, love and courtsey, and submission of women, which got later perverted to forceful ownership.While there was an era, when the town - bride (the most beautiful woman of the town was made available for the pleasure of all who could pay), were immensely respected and cherished, the Indian culture in its development has also seen an era, in which, women, were treated as merely a chattel, the worst part of it being forceful, and not consensual.Whilst with foreign invasion, there was a class of people who loathed the inter - racial marriages, and widow burning (the sati - pratha prevalent), there was also another class of people and thinkers who brought social reforms, like woman education (formal education) and widow - remarriage.
*Extra note*: Sometimes, when I discuss my perception, of Indian clture, people feel that I am a feminist. However, my stand about this is that Indian culture is basically a Humanist culture. It tends and caters to the needs of humans, before a Man or a Woman. However, as compared to many other cultures, it focuses more* on the difference in needs based on the gender of the individual, and also based on the aptitude and attitude of the gender.
To be contd.......
©anu (Exploring Myself)