Sunday, June 21, 2009


was supposed to go and visit Swamiji in the group talk today, but didn't. Rather couldn't. I had felt it last evening that since I'm saying I'll come tomorrow I won't be able to. Yesterday's session had been very good, and He had given me a place equal to him, and when I asked him why did he do so, he smiled and gave me a reason too. He as usual answered unasked questions.

I gave a lecture to the third batch today, and spoke to my boss too. He said I'll need to get into some business deals of the institute too, since he thinks I'm the best person suited for the task.I know that though its an exploitation in the sense its not paid task, but I love being busy, and that's fine with me.

I've drafted a schedule today, a chart in print to help me keep track of my activities, and classes, and payments and expenses as well.


I know that I need a Master to discipline,
But, help me to realize self-discipline,
so that,
the disciple is ready,
when the Master appears...
to make her an instrument to Your ever-loving will.


©anu (Exploring Myself)