Saturday, June 6, 2009

Beauty Enhancement and Pampering

I went for a complete beauty Enhancement package to a nearby saloon today. Cost me around 500 of which 300 mom contributed. I also learnt the things at the same time. a hair oil massage followed by waxing pedicure and manicure respectively. to which a facial (scrub, massage and pack) followed. Then I shampooed, got my eye-brow shaped, hair trimmed, and make up done. Draped in a Saree after 4 long hours I was ready for a marriage. I have just come back from the reception.

Some would say spending so much of time was foolery on the previous night to the exam, but its okay..I'm deeply relaxed now. Happy, Pampered, beautiful.


Make me realize Your beauty,
The Divine Beauty that is eternal and all pervasive.
That which is in.....
The Lofty Mountain peaks,
The flowing rivers and streams,
The Waterfalls, cascades, and springs.

That which is in.....
The Blue sky overhead,
The Brown earth below,
The Deep Oceans underneath.

That which is in.....
The Birds that sing,
The Animals which graze the pastures,
The Green Pastures,
The Trees that stand tall, laden with fruit,
The grass so green,
The Sun so warm,
The Moon so fair,
The Breeze so cool.

But Lord,
The Most,
Make me see the beauty....
That which is in.....
The innocent smile of innocent children,
The benign smile of wrinkled faces,
The Proud smile of beautiful women,
The Confident smile of successful men and women.

And Lord,
More than even that,
Make me see the beauty....
That which is in.......
The souls of all those and which live.
Make me see the beauty of life Lord!
Make me see the beauty of Love Lord, which comes with life and which brings life.
Love, that is both the source and purpose of life.

Make me see the beauty of Love O Loving Lord!

Make me capable of loving one and all,
Those who are Your children,
That which is Your creation.
Make me love them as a humble child of Yours Lord.


©anu (Exploring Myself)

Deleting and importing another of my blogs.....

Prologue:this post consists of the six poems on my other blog..I have decided that I will gradually reduce the number of my blogs to even a lesser number and gradually delete all the rest for the sake of manageability. I had posted these few poems on that blog and am posting them all here with dates and times of older posts, and also the comments of the readers:

Monday, June 1, 2009
Poison and Elixir

Life wasn't elixir....
till You came in.....
Its poision since.....
you gave in.....

Often I think,
with some remorse....
what if life would've taken...
A different course?

What if we'd been together,
till the end!
Writing our names,
in caves and not on sands.

But, life's often,
poison and elixir both together!!
In disguise of poison.....
its pure elixir!!

Trust me!

Posted by Exploring Myself at 1:06 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Cheating oneself

Life, often cheats itself.
Not because,
it wants to cheat,
or be cheated.
But, rather because,
cheating sometimes brings solace........
even though temporary.

the mind,
the brain and the soul,
doesn't wish to cheat.
Cheating however, still happens,
and to an extent,
because it brings joy,
even though temporary.

Tendency to cheat,
is actually a form of,
tendency to feel comfortable.
The tendency to find things,
that you want,
that you don't get,
and that you desire with a drive.
And all that,
what is deserved but not received.....

Posted by Exploring Myself at 4:59 AM

Friday, August 8, 2008

The spirit of it........
Makes one crave for more.

Sincere and serene,
it brings peace within,
only so long its not forced by cruelty.
If consensual, and respectful,
submission helps one grow,
and in one develops all the humility.

I wish to surrender,
to someone whom I'll know deserves.
It may be God or Man,
I'm not yet sure.
But all that is wish,
is to finally strive to perfection,
and deep in my heart,
feel surrender so pure.

Posted by Exploring Myself at 4:04 PM

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Virtue and Vice

Is it Virtue?
To seek from one, who doesn't wish to give?
Is it Vice?
To take from one, who wishes to surrender?

often doesn't wish to give.
And I?
I try to snatch.
Is it Vice?
Its forced isn't it?
Is it Virtue?
Yes, if Might is Right!

Definitions change with perceptions.

And is it Vice or Virtue?
That I wish to surrender,
or that I don't wish to surrender?

Why is it that definitions change?
Why is it that perceptions change?

Perhaps because,
Times........ change and........
People.......... change.

Posted by Exploring Myself at 10:45 PM

Split me.......

and Grief,
beyond endurance.......
Have become, an integral part of Me.

Causing me,
to split myself,
to rip myself into 2.

One that craves for it and,
one that loathes it.
One that enjoys,
one that resists and Blocks it.......

They both co-exist, and they know that they do.
I'm not a Schizophrenic yet.

But then why this...........?

Posted by Exploring Myself at 10:38 PM
Blogger chyrenselin said...

the necessity for meditation:
even a buffalo will reach its home without asking
anybody else if it is left ten kilometers away from its home.
even birds are traveling thousands of kilometers
and reach their nests every season.
but man cannot come home without asking anybody else
if he is put away from his home in an unknown place.
Even during the tsunami 2004 in Thailand you can see in
u tube

that people are standing in the shore looking at the sea which is
coming at an up normal hight without running away and escape
from the waves even ten seconds before the death.
But animals and birds have escaped from the sight even two hours
before the incident.
the intuition and the subconscious mind is covered by the
mind which is highly developed by uncontrollable thinking
permanently. the mind is perpetuate. (it will be existing by itself
an indian is thinking in indian languages and an englishman in english
and an italian in italy and so on. since the languages are easily
available to the brain it is thinking permanently without stopping
even if he wishes to stop it.
eventhough the languages are the reason for the development
of the human race in all fields since the thinking is the base of all
developments but he lost his intuitive powers since the mind is
covering the inner mind (the subconscious mind) as he cannot
stop his mind when he wishes. it becomes a curse.
now the man has lost his identity, his individuality in the midst of thoughts.
he lost himself. he lost his intuitive powers.
now the mind is like a car in an open place without any restrictions
as it can go zig zag anywhere else.
chanting any words repeatedly ( any words in any religion in any method)
will make the mind a little controlled. it is the prayer.
it is now like a train which is going in fixed rails which cannot go
here and there which is controlled by the track.
above this level comes the meditation.
in this you are not thinking anything. you are not doing anything.
you are simply sits. you are zero. it is like the car or train stopped
permanently. it is not moving. it is not going anywhere else.
nirviruthi thyan....pathanjali yoga sutra ...1.1
no mind is meditation.... .osho.
it is the brahmam of hinduism. it is the zero of budhdha. it is the zen of zenism.
it is the supersoul of christianity. it is the sufi of islam. and so on.
whatever may be the name the result is one.
anywhere in the world, anywhere in the religion, whatever may be the
approach, whatever may be the method you are reaching only one stage.
you are in total zero.
after all human beings are having only one system of brain and they
will reach only one stage. get only one result.
meditate. be zero. be happy. be in bliss.

November 20, 2008 2:57 PM
Blogger chyrenselin said...

also search

November 20, 2008 2:59 PM

Aham Brahmasmi

Life, gives me nothing,
and I get everything.
It gives me everything,
but, I get nothing.
Perhaps, because I know, because I believe,
that everything is nothing and nothing is everything.

If cipher begins the count,
and expands..... to infinity;
nothing....... becomes everything!

If space WILL someday.....
collapse to the Black hole,
Everything WILL be Nothing then.

I shall remain,
Eternal, ever existing,
and Ever prevalent;
I am,
I exist,
Whatever, I do,
I seek,
I explore,
I find.
I am Brahman - The Everything!
I am I - but, just Nothing

Posted by Exploring Myself at 9:11 PM
Blogger Exploring Myself said...

Brahman in Hindu Philosophy is the eternal effulgence of GOD
August 7, 2008 11:35 PM

©anu (Exploring Myself)