I have been worrying about a few things which I had of late stopped fretting about. However, I feel, I cannot resist being what I am, and that when I have excessive love accumulating in myself, I become all the more tensed up, troubled, and disoriented. But, I know this as a matter of fact.
I know about my bipolar issues as well, and I also know that I persist every time, because God helps me. He helps me sustain. I finished six books, fiction mainly. I re-read The Witch of Portobello. I'm on my way to the 6th new fiction in last two days, and I know that by the time I return to work tomorrow, I'd be done with this one, and a non- fiction to go along with it.
I am just desperately waiting for my MBA study material, which I shalll get most probably by the 1st of August, and that shall be the relieving part, getting me into the proffessional student mode once again. I also need to focus on the other degree I plan to do simultaneously.
I am simply happy at the good oppurtunity of having 3 full years at my hand, which I wish to use most judiciously and meticulously. I wish to real a lot of books, update and build up my general awareness and general knowledge along with the current developments in all major aspects of human life. This of course, has to be in addition to my studies for my dual degrees, and my job. I know its going to be pressurising, but I guess God this time wants me to do it, or he wouldn't have helped me developed the wonderful reading speed I have and the understanding that I gain in a subject (comparative of course). Though I'm not a perfect individual, I know I'm a good learner, and I wish to be a perfect one!
Grant me ability to put in effort.
So that,
I may learn what is intended for me.
So that, I may fulfill my destiny on this earth,
and be a well-guided instrument at Your hands.
May I never lose my humility Lord!
©anu (Exploring Myself)
©anu (Exploring Myself)