I have started having a mental blockage that there aren't really many people who really are good.
An emotional baggage, that perhaps I'll never ever find my soul mate. I don't know why I am the way I am. Yearning to be at peace with my better half. I am restless..... at time like Athena of the Witch of Portobello, and at others like just myself. Running towards, and away from things.
I guess, this again an approaching height of my Mania, I've been observing the pattern. Initially lots of thoughts, then racy and now violently dashing.... gradually all getting so confused and muzzled up, till I fall in depression again. I am expecting a very severe depressive bout very soon.
Thank God! I know and understand most of my problem.
But, this state baffles me, and I try hard to write it out. What comes out is this limited stuff, neither elaborate, nor expressive enough as I want it to be.
©anu (Exploring Myself)