Saturday, April 30, 2011

V for Vendetta

"Remember, remember
The fifth of November
The gunpowder treason and plot.
I know of no reason
Why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot."

This is the verse with which the movie opens. The movie I've watched obsessively for over 20 times. The movie attracts me because? Because it declares the importance of free thought and decision over the brainwashing. Because it exposes what the so-called governments do to their subjects, misusing the trust placed in them. Because it tells me (dramatically though), how an individual, an idea can stay and survive till it reaches the culmination it intends.

I was obsessed for some time, looked for quotes and longer recitations by V. Thought of copying some on cards, printing them out as posters and then decided against it. I googled and wiki-ed V for Vendetta, Guy Fawkes and what not!!! (I wonder where would I find books with this info, if there weren't any internet?) And I realized, I'm not an anarchist, nor a victim, or a rebel for that matter.

And nor was V. I am just a simple, common person, struggling to make this world a better place, like all others who do. However, the worst like Evy says, comes when people try making things better. And now, I have become a passivist (now is that a valid word? ).

I feel an internal conflict - the conflict of the right and the not-so-right (I hardly ever think in terms of wrong), expressing itself this time in terms of contributing to the society or the ethical egotism?

I have so far been kind of brainwashed against brainwashing. If you understand what I mean, you'll probably understand why am so anti-isms/anti-ist. But, that becomes secondary when I read books like 1984 and watch movies like V for Vendetta.

The first time, I saw the movie, I wanted to write so much, the second time, lesser. But I with my writers' block, couldn't write even a word. Now, I'm however, surprised to see that I can't remember my thoughts that wanted to be expressed then. I am sure that what I'm writing right now, is certainly different from what I then thought. But nonetheless, I guess this is why I liked the movie:

In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. [laughs] Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me "V".

Ok, so I happened to find a drafted post in my edit page.... and have ended posting that as well. But side by side,this goes along :)

© anu (Exploring Myself)

Writers' Block

So, I had this writers' block for last few months. Now let's see...2months 23 days technically, and approximately four months to be non-technical but close to accurate.

Reasons? Oh Loads!
  1. I went through a series of depressive phases, the last one ending some 20 days ago.
  2. I went through a hell lot of emotional and sentimental instability, both generated by and generating the depression
  3. I was busy 'trying' to study for exams.
  4. I was busy writing exams with moderate or low preparation, but apparently performing OK-ish. I am expecting an OK-ish percentage, but I'm hoping that it would be more than the bare minimum required for further studies after M.A.
  5. After I finished my exams, I gradually started coming out of the stress, depression and to my shock realized that my skin was full of marks, (the psychosomatic indication of my stress, other than sleep and eating irregularities).
  6. 6 Last 18-20 days, I've been hyper-maniac, sleeping only on an average 3-4 hrs a day in total. Except two days - when I slept 16 and 12 at a stretch respectively.
  7. I also joined a couple of hobby classes, which should (assuming I don't bunk), keep me busy for around 10 hours a day, including the travel time.
  8. Last few days, I've been thinking like hell and reading as well, along with scribbling loose notes, as if my tail's on fire. However, putting everything down sequentially hasn't been happening for quite some time.
  9. Something finally happened last night that got me out of this block and I'm glad to have gotten rid of it. (content sigh)
So long, till then. (I have to figure out this usage. Do we use these two phrases together? Anyone who's aware, please be kind to share with me too)

© anu (Exploring Myself)

Tsunami in making ?

It leaps high,
unsure of what to destroy,
calms down again.

And one day,
a whisper,
a word,
makes it rise higher than what can calm down again.

Is it a tsunami in making?

© anu (Exploring Myself)