Thursday, July 9, 2009

Trust and Faith

Over the years, I have realised that we tend to trust people, and we tend to distrust the same people as well. In short, we tend to both trust and distrust the same people for different things at different times in our lives.

This subject makes me ponder a few basic questions:
1. what is trust?
2. Why do we trust?
3. Should we trust?
4. Whom is at all, should we trust?

Here's what I feel about the same:
Trust is....... a feeling of security. A sense of comfort and safety which comes around some people from within. This is one of those 6th senses that we at times talk about. Trust is something, all of us (and yes! I mean all!) have experienced but none can put into words. Fundamentally, I like being with people, because........that makes me happy.... why does it make me happy? because psychologically, am a social animal, physically, I need people for the division of labor, socially I need protection against harms, which a group can provide me better
and....spiritually........ The soul recognizes that the other souls are a part of the same Eternal being that I belong to. so, though I don't understand this, my soul recognizes its kin.

Now, to establish this lost kinship, and due to the establishment of this lost kinship, we tend to trust people.

As to should we, and whom if at all should we trust? I feel, That's a risk, but definitely worth playing. And should we? It comes automatically on people whom it has to. There's not even any sort of active thinking involved.

On this note... I can't think anymore right now. will add later if something's there.

©anu (Exploring Myself)

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