Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lifestyles and Relationships : 2

  • Compatibility: When I talk of Compatibility, I mean by it, all sorts of compatibilities..... emotional, cultural, moral, intellectual, psychological, physical and of course spiritual.

To elaborate let's assume an example.... If I'm in love with a person and seek to get into a relationship with him, I'd look into a lot of things. (here, I'd be specifically considering an amorous relationship). Is he an Indian? If yes, then is a broadminded Indian or a narrow - minded one. As in, does he believe in the orthodox practices or does He believe in the flexibility of people at different places and times?

I'd consider, If he's not an Indian, then what culture is he? am I comfortable with his culture? If yes, do we agree on the dress sense in general, do we agree on our public behavior, is a voyeur or an exhibitionist? If yes, am I the same? Do I like the same activities as he does, if not, can I bring myself to enjoy his chosen activities, and he mine?

There are of course, exceptions to these rules, depending on the kind of lifestyles people live in. For eg. If it were a M/s lifestyle or a D/s lifestyle, probably it would be only one person wanting to adjust. But even there, vanilaa elements do occur. However, if the relationship was a vanilla relationship purely, probably both would adjust.

So, this involves a whole lot. What if I'm a staunch Hindu and He's a Christian or may be plain agnostic, sceptic? May be I believe in over charity and he doesn't ! May be he's extrovert, part-animal, I'm a recluse! May be he likes living in dark rooms and I prefer bright, sunny rooms. May be He's corpulent, huge! I am skinny..... we have all seen relationships fall apart at times with drastic changes in the external persona. At least I have ! So, if You two people are going to eventually live together, please..... I advise You unsolicitedly......think before You decide!!

This having been said, let's have a look at the general (NON-AMOROUS) relationships. If we look at the set of our friends, often we find that we have many subsets amongst the set of friends whom we group together. For an example, I might have a small group of friends who goes with me to the music class. We all enjoy good music, sing well, share audios and videos etc. But, may be I do not like a certain person personally, because of her/his wiered dressing sense :|

Of course, I wouldn't go to shop clothes with the same person. At the same time, may be I won't exchange a musical CD with someone who helps me choose my clothes. My writer friends might not accompany me to lunches because they are non-vegetarian, and prefer different joints, while my colleagues may be my friends at work, and yet not my companions on a night out.

So, You see, it VARIES! Like I said before, (or may be I didn't : ) )we as human beings are open loop limbic systems when it comes to our emotions, feelings and interpersonal interactions. It's not my circulatory system that wouldn't depend on the other person's. It's my thought process, my aura, my emotional sensitivity and whole lot of stuff.

So, on an end note for this post.... I believe that for the success of any relationship, the key factor is compatibility, and I mean it in 'HOLISTIC' terms :)

©anu (Exploring Myself)


  1. Does love give all this time to think?
    I don't agree with u.
    Are you able to check your compatiblity in all those love at first sight affairs?
    What u r talking about here is something very theoritical.

  2. Due to some technical glitch, I couldn't publish Nipun's comment, no matter how hard I tried. But, I've copy pasted it below my response....


    we are talking about a relationship, a step ahead of love....i.e. when two people decide to share their whole lives..... not JUST emotions, or fantasies, or one aspect of their life....It's about when they decide and choose to share every single thing about their life.


    Nipun has left a new comment on your post "Lifestyles and Relationships : 2":

    Does love give all this time to think?
    I don't agree with u.
    Are you able to check your compatiblity in all those love at first sight affairs?
    What u r talking about here is something very theoritical.

  3. Just like to add something more, Compatibility is more when in love, Coz love takes care of many small un-compatible thinks.

    Also, lets understand 2 issues.

    First is Falling in love blindly and truly and second is arranging things to make it easy to fall in love. But later is more of convenience than true love.

    But again, for many people love and marriage are 2 different issues.

    My comments are for love.


Your place to share your thoughts about this....