Thursday, August 26, 2010

The First Love of my Life

Books! Oh so many!!! And so many kins and different topics they cover and different aspects of life they expose me to :)

So, here I was wondering about a few books that are pending to be read, when I came to know that IIM has invited applications from more than 90 percentilers, and I sent across the application form. Before I would get into my anxiety mode, I could see my symptoms and tried to stop fretting.

So,if it works out great and wonderful otherwise I have my plans ready.

I was with a teacher today and she was immensely helpful about what and how should I study for M.A. and I was told that in last few years, there have been hardly a few students who scored more than 60 percent in the University exam, and this time I aspire to break the records. Come what may!!!:P

I have the how and when figured out, so if all goes well and my form gets accepted and I can write the exam in March, I'll break the record :) Or at least I'll try to.


Hold my hand and help me through :)


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